Daily Sex and Cancer Risk Reduction

There is no definitive evidence that having sex daily reduces cancer risk, but some studies have suggested potential benefits: Having sex more frequently may help boost the immune system, which could help fight cancer. However, the link between sex and the immune system is complex and more research is needed. Sex may help reduce stress and anxiety, which in turn could have positive effects on cancer risk. Chronic stress is linked to higher cancer risk. Sexual activity increases oxytocin levels, which may have anti-inflammatory effects and potentially anti-cancer effects. Frequent ejaculation in men may lower prostate cancer risk, according to some studies. The reasons are unclear but could involve flushing out cancer-causing agents. Women who have more frequent sex may have a lower risk of breast cancer, perhaps because sex modulates hormone levels over the menstrual cycle. However, most evidence is limited and speculative. Having an active, enjoyable sex life is part...